17 March 2021

16 March 2021

Dragon Hand

For the longreads shelf: Freeth et al., "A Model of the Cosmos in the ancient Greek Antikythera Mechanism." As summarized by Jennifer Ouellette and a report from University College London, researchers have figured out how the gearing on the face of the clockwork cosmos worked.


Several of my digital colleagues got on air credits for their work towards building the Micro-Face Radio Universe.


A mini-project: we built a mechanism in the CMS and in the web site rendering code to display an "updated" date for significant editiorial additions to a story, like this one. The display is under editorial control. A previous experiment added an "updated" date to every change, which just didn't make sense for minor changes to evergreen stories.

Now, when news breaks and breaks again, our site visitors will know when they're seeing fresh reporting.